October 3-5, 2019
Nashville, TN
Held in the beautiful Nashville First Church of the Nazarene, 10-15 minutes from the Nashville airport, with free coffee socials, lunches, and dinners served in the venue to maximize networking time.
Keynote Speakers and Round-Table Participants

Dr. Joe Morecraft

Geoffrey Botkin

David Tucker

Tim Yarbrough

David Botkin

Mark Robinette

David Noor

Shelby Shepherd

Anna Botkin

Rebekah Ford

Elizabeth Botkin

Dr. Tom Ford

Maggie Ford

Hannah Ford

Heidi Botkin

Isaac Botkin

Heidi Botkin
Heidi and her husband Isaac have been married for 5 years and have three children. Together they are making disciples of the nations, starting with their children and local church and community. Heidi loves to serve the body of Christ through hospitality both in her home, and in larger event management. She also has an interest in equipping women to be confident and competent in their roles as managers of their homes. Heidi is a doula and desires to equip and serve women in childbirth, and to aid women in understanding and thriving in the midst of the challenges that postpartum changes can bring.

Matt Clark

Jeff McDonald
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