October 3-5, 2019
Nashville, TN
Held in the beautiful Nashville First Church of the Nazarene, 10-15 minutes from the Nashville airport, with free coffee socials, lunches, and dinners served in the venue to maximize networking time.
Keynote Speakers and Round-Table Participants

Dr. Joe Morecraft

Geoffrey Botkin

David Tucker

Tim Yarbrough

David Botkin

Mark Robinette

David Noor

Shelby Shepherd

Anna Botkin

Rebekah Ford

Elizabeth Botkin

Dr. Tom Ford

Dr. Tom Ford
Tom Ford is a follower of Christ, a husband, a father, a pastor and the owner of Ford Physical Therapy in Montgomery, Alabama. He has been married to his wife Leigh for twenty-eight years and together they have home-educated their eight children, aged 25-7: Hannah, Rebekah, Maggie, Hayden, Priscilla, Elizabeth, Mary and Lydia. Tom spends his life investing in his family, Grace Baptist Church (where he serves as a teaching elder) and the family business - with the ultimate goal of bringing glory to Jesus Christ in all things.

Maggie Ford

Hannah Ford

Heidi Botkin

Isaac Botkin

Matt Clark

Jeff McDonald
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